The 2018 Food Revolution Summit Is Happening Soon!

Are you ready to learn how to take control of your health and heal the planet with food?
The Food Revolution Summit is THE event of the year to get up-to-date information and useful tips and tools from experts you can trust during this totally free, online event.
Save the date and join the 2018 Food Revolution Summit now.
Have questions? We have answers for you.
What Is The Food Revolution Summit?
The Food Revolution Summit is a weeklong event hosted by father-and-son team John and Ocean Robbins and put on by the Food Revolution Network, whose mission is “healthy, ethical, sustainable food for all.”
This annual online event will be attended by people from around the world. This year, 300,000+ people are expected to join the 2018 Food Revolution Summit.
John Robbins is the 2-million-copy bestselling author of Diet for A New America. During the Summit, he’ll interview 24 of the top food and health experts on the planet.
These are leading doctors, as well as visionary leaders and luminaries, who are actively working to improve our food system. Including names like:
- Michael Greger, MD
- Kris Carr
- Mark Hyman, MD,
- Joel Fuhrman, MD
- and Vandana Shiva, PhD
You’ll get informed, inspired, and motivated to improve your health and put the food revolution into action in your life.
Who Is This Event For?
The Food Revolution Summit is for everyone. No matter where you are on your healthy eating journey, this event is for you.
Participants of all ages can tune in to get informed and empowered. Whether you’re young and want to perform your best or if you’re in your 50s or beyond and want to slow aging…
Whether you know nothing about food and nutrition or you’re a health professional… or maybe you’re just someone who cares and pays attention…
You’ll learn new, breakthrough research and fascinating insights that can improve your life and help you help others.
What Topics Will Be Covered During The Summit?
A great thing about the Food Revolution Summit is that a variety of food and health topics will be discussed.
This is a comprehensive, informational event that will show you how food can help heal and prevent disease and save our world.
Do you care about…
- Genetically modified foods (GMOs), pesticides, organic food, and food safety?
- Preventing or beating Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia?
- Reducing your risk or beating cancer?
- The treatment of animals?
- Clearing up food and nutrition confusion?
- Or other important food issues, like heart disease, the truth about protein, and how your food choices shape the world?
- This isn’t information big food companies want you to know — they’re making billions profiting from the status quo. Plus, this isn’t information you’re likely to get from your doctor, either.
After all, nutrition basically isn’t taught in medical school, and the medical industry makes trillions of dollars treating sick patients. There’s no financial incentive to prescribe broccoli (although that’s probably what doctors should be doing!).
But this critical information could save your life and the lives of people you love — while saving the planet, too.