Swing doors can be found in offices, hospitals, stairwells or restaurants, i.e. in busier places. New spring hinge with brake parts made of technopolymer
Special sliding bushings engineering polymer antifriction: The design of the spacers and the search for a special technopolymer resistant and elastic at the same time, allows a shock-ab-sorbing function in the movement that precedes the stop of the door.
Swing doors can be found in offices, hospitals, stairwells or restaurants, i.e. in busier places. New spring hinge with brake parts made of technopolymer
Special sliding bushings engineering polymer antifriction: The design of the spacers and the search for a special technopolymer resistant and elastic at the same time, allows a shock-ab-sorbing function in the movement that precedes the stop of the door.
Size : 10 cm Dimensions: A 100 X B 37 X C 33 mm Technopolymer spacer size : E 107 X F 10 mm Opening side : 2 sides Max. load on 2 Hinges: 25 Kg Material : stainless steel Color : Inox